Following Christ is a never-ending journey, winding through thickets and clearings, never finding the end of the path, but knowing you are on the right path. Such has been my faith journey.
From the moment I met Christ, I have sensed that He had a particular purpose for my life. Sometimes I am not sure of the plan, but always, I know the Planner has been at work in my life. Sometimes, when I have lost sight of the plan, I have wandered off the path. My desire to “be in charge” of my life has taken me through the desert, leaving my soul feeling dry and dusty. But Jesus is standing in the midst of the desert, offering water for my thirst and food to satisfy my hunger. Each of these times (and I am sure there will be more), I only had to look up, wipe the sand from my eyes, and take what the King of the universe was offering…love, grace, mercy.
Many times in our lives we will give in to the temptation to go our own way…to “be in charge” of our own lives. In those times, we forget to look up. We forget that a loving God waits patiently for us to come to Him. We get stuck trying to trudge along in the shifting sands of our striving. In those times, we often need someone to help us get unstuck. Someone who can take us by the hand and help us find our way back to the path of Jesus’ way and purpose for our lives.
For many years, as I have walked the difficult path with women, I have seen God do miracles in the lives of those who choose to fully surrender to Him. God has given me the blessing of having a front-row seat to witness the transformation of a soul. As a pastor, I have mourned with those who mourn, and rejoiced with those who rejoice. In all those times, I have felt God tugging at my own heart, speaking to me about His ultimate plan and purpose for my life. I am, however (maybe like many of you) a bit stubborn. Maybe even a bit scared. The thought of taking the step of faith to put myself out there and offer myself in full service to others has been a bit unnerving. But our loving Father, the Creator of the universe, has not let me rest. Everything that has happened in my life has led me to, and prepared me for, this moment.
And so begins Sojourning Together. A choice of obedience, and a dream is birthed. Our faith walk is a journey of spiritual formation. Henri Nouwen defines spiritual formation as “the ever-increasing capacity to live a spiritual life from the heart.”1 Sojourning Together has been created to help bring you to the next place along your spiritual journey. We are here to take your hand and walk with you along the way. We are here to help you get unstuck from those places where the sand is threatening to keep you in the desert.
We believe that God has placed within each of us the knowledge of His purpose and plan for our lives. Sometimes we just have a hard time seeing the path through our circumstances. We will help guide you back to the path, helping you see more clearly the way Jesus is leading your life.
1Henri Nouwen-Spiritual Direction: Wisdom for the long walk of faith